Wednesday, August 24, 2011

RS Show Development

Hello, Internet.

My name's Kate Foster and I'm the resident playwright for Rising Sun, this fabulous downtown OOB theater company. Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you've lusted after them, maybe you've seen EVERY show Rising Sun's EVER mounted... Good for you!

We have an exciting fall coming up, pulling on the talents of our fearless leadership, a brand new Rat-Pack of AMAZING directors and a wildly beautiful and funny ensemble. No, but seriously, I'm being modest.

Look out for upcoming development and production of:

Cabaret- PROJECTED Fall 2011

Using song, text and sexyness, five actresses talk about what brought them to NYC from Israel, Texas, Turkey... New Jersey, and what keeps them under NY's rent-poor spell.

STRIPPER-LESBIANS et al- PROJECTED Fall 2011/Winter 2012

A new play by Kate Foster. Directed by Jeff Woodbridge. Featuring: Temi Hason, Amanda Berry, Joe Beaudin. A woman's studies major becomes a stripper for her thesis while falling in love with.. a stripper. Do stripper's really make the best girlfriends?

Michelle Bachmann- PROJECTED Winter 2012

A solo show about the most exciting woman in America.

Wives of Henry 8- PROJECTED Fall 2012

A show that puts Big Love to shame.

Keep checking the blog for show updates!


Gossip Girl & Rising Sun

Thursday, August 18, 2011


We're creating "Pods" this fall.

What is a "POD" you ask.. Well the dictionary version states the following:

Spelled [pod] Show IPA noun, verb, pod•ded, pod•ding.

1. a somewhat elongated, two-valved seed vessel, as that of the pea or bean.
2. a dehiscent fruit or pericarp having several seeds.
3. Entomology .
a. a insect egg case.
b. compact mass of insect eggs.
4. a streamlined enclosure, housing, or detachable container of some kind: an engine pod under the wing of an aircraft.
5. a protective compartment, as for an automobile's instrument gauges.
6. Mining . an orebody that has an elongated or lenticular shape.
7. Radio and Television Slang . a cluster of brief commercials or spot announcements.

We are spending the next 3 months trying out our "Pods" and we look forward to seeing what happens!

Whats a "POD" mean to you? What do you think the "Pods" mean for us?