Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
RS Show Development
Hello, Internet.
My name's Kate Foster and I'm the resident playwright for Rising Sun, this fabulous downtown OOB theater company. Maybe you've heard of them, maybe you've lusted after them, maybe you've seen EVERY show Rising Sun's EVER mounted... Good for you!
We have an exciting fall coming up, pulling on the talents of our fearless leadership, a brand new Rat-Pack of AMAZING directors and a wildly beautiful and funny ensemble. No, but seriously, I'm being modest.
Look out for upcoming development and production of:
Cabaret- PROJECTED Fall 2011
Using song, text and sexyness, five actresses talk about what brought them to NYC from Israel, Texas, Turkey... New Jersey, and what keeps them under NY's rent-poor spell.
STRIPPER-LESBIANS et al- PROJECTED Fall 2011/Winter 2012
A new play by Kate Foster. Directed by Jeff Woodbridge. Featuring: Temi Hason, Amanda Berry, Joe Beaudin. A woman's studies major becomes a stripper for her thesis while falling in love with.. a stripper. Do stripper's really make the best girlfriends?
Michelle Bachmann- PROJECTED Winter 2012
A solo show about the most exciting woman in America.
Wives of Henry 8- PROJECTED Fall 2012
A show that puts Big Love to shame.
Keep checking the blog for show updates!
Gossip Girl & Rising Sun
Thursday, August 18, 2011
What is a "POD" you ask.. Well the dictionary version states the following:
Spelled [pod] Show IPA noun, verb, pod•ded, pod•ding.
1. a somewhat elongated, two-valved seed vessel, as that of the pea or bean.
2. a dehiscent fruit or pericarp having several seeds.
3. Entomology .
a. a insect egg case.
b. compact mass of insect eggs.
4. a streamlined enclosure, housing, or detachable container of some kind: an engine pod under the wing of an aircraft.
5. a protective compartment, as for an automobile's instrument gauges.
6. Mining . an orebody that has an elongated or lenticular shape.
7. Radio and Television Slang . a cluster of brief commercials or spot announcements.
We are spending the next 3 months trying out our "Pods" and we look forward to seeing what happens!
Whats a "POD" mean to you? What do you think the "Pods" mean for us?
Monday, July 18, 2011
Only 3 Chances Left To See Cravings!!!
Six plays that explore human desire and its consequences.
July 7th - 23rd
6 Plays, 5 Directors, 11 Actors, 9 Shows
One Intense Line Up
Limited Run! Limited Seating!
Only 9 Performances!
Advance purchase recommended!
Don't miss your ONLY CHANCE to see the Critically Acclaimed Ensemble of RSP this summer!
"Rising Sun Performance Company is a youthful, enthusiastic company and I look forward to seeing more from them." William Coyle, Off Off Online
"It's worth the price of admission to see the Rising Sun Performance Company's aspiring talent." Jennifer Rathbone, Theater Online
Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays
July 21st, 22nd, & 23rd
The Red Room Theater
85 East 4th Street, NYC
3rd Floor
or call Smarttix: 212-868-4444
Adults $15
Students & Seniors $12
Pay What You Can Thursdays
Trains: 6 to Astor Place, L to 2nd Ave, R/N to Broadway/8th St NYU or F to 1st Ave
Selected through a collaborative and intense vetting process, these plays were chosen out of over 450 plays submitted to Rising Sun Performance Company. Each piece was reviewed and approved by at least two company members and then moved on to our three month long reading series for audience feedback. The final plays presented in RSP's 5th Annual One Act Series were the top scorers from Audience & Ensemble Ballots- only 14 plays from 450 moved onto the reading series.
Written by Len Cuthbert
Directed by Mia Y. Anderson
Featuring Andrea Cordaro & Tedra Millan
A girl asks her best friend to cheer her on one last time, the hardest yet. A compassionate, witty way to tell a story about one of the most difficult choices we will ever have to make in our lives.
On Top
Written By John Patrick Bray
Directed by Jeffrey Woodbridge
Featuring Lindsay Beecher & Joe Beaudin
Does it count as cheating if you're on top? A couple redefines their relationship, and infidelity, in a grocery store.
Written By Greg Abbott
Directed By Ted Gorodetzky
Featuring Rick Benson, Joe Beaudin & Charissa Jones
1994 Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Kevin Carter's photo of a dying child with a vulture in wait brings him fame, but also controversy on when a journalist also has a duty to help a fellow human being.
Sit Still
Written by Jae Kramisen
Directed by Tim Errickson
Featuring Jason Vinoles & Ashley Bloom
Memory and truth collide as a man tries to get to the bottom of a woman's missing husband.
Some of All Parts
Written By Mrinalini Kamath
Directed By Derek Shore
Featuring: Lindsay Beecher, Jarrod Luke & EJ Assi
If he seems too good to be true... he probably is. Dating in this city just got a whole lot weirder.
The Craving
Written By David L. Williams
Directed by Mia Y. Anderson
Featuring Ashley Miller & EJ Assi
Sometimes a carrot isn't just a carrot. And sometimes what you think you're agreeing to in a relationship takes you to a place you never thought you'd go.
Please note that shows have adult content and language. Recommended for 13 and older.
Tweet Tweet In The Sun, RSP on Twitter
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Bring it One Acts!
Hello RSP fans, family and followers. My name is Ashley and I am one of RSP’s newest members. Since joining, it has been a rapid ride of fun, meetings, rehearsals and workshops. It feels amazing to be a part of a community of artists that love to create, whether we are working on a new play or breaking out in a spontaneous dance break. I promise…it is always a good time. That being said, it is even more exciting to finally perform for Rising Sun. Every year, Rising Sun holds a FREE One Act Reading Series that last for several months. At the end of the readings, we select the best plays (with the help of our audience members) for our summer festival. Bring it on one acts…we are ready!
This Tuesday night we will be holding our April One Act Reading and it is FREE. Where and when you ask? 7pm Under St Marks. 94 St Marks Place @ 1st Avenue. Be a part of RSP for a night and be there. The One Acts will be directed by Mia Anderson and Flor Bromley and I am lucky to perform in two of the readings.
Whether you bring a date, friends or come alone, come out and hang with RSP. It will be fun. Guaranteed.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Back in the Swing
On a different note, both the newbies and the old members have been incredibly supportive now that I'm back in the city. (I was away for a month in California due to my mom's sudden passing.) I can't thank my theatrical family enough for expressing concern and love.
Our yard sale is coming up on Sunday by Astoria Park and we are about to speed ahead into the One Act Festival and the Speakeasy! So much to do! Stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I will be singing scene 9
My sister, who is also a young actress, told me a remarkable story about auditioning and I just had to share it. We've all been there. Sort of.
My sister is truly terrified of singing.. The first time in her adult life that she had to sing a song for an audition was during her second year of college when she was applying for the British American Drama Academy in London. She lost a great deal of sleep knowing that she would need to sing alone in a room with three people staring her in the face, and could not for the life of her come up with a song that did not feel terribly embarrassing. She finally decided it would be best to just pick a song that she loved, so she settled on a selection from her favorite musical Phantom of the Opera. She grew up listening to the CD, and pretty much knew the show by heart. She knew she wasn’t a strong enough singer to do one of Christine’s solos, so she decided the best thing to do would be to sing a selection sung by the Phantom, Christine and Raul together. Once she began practicing, she realized it might get a bit confusing for the auditors. So she went out and bought a phantom mask and two hand puppets: a ballerina for Christine (for obvious reasons) and a cop for Raul (because that was the only choice other than a farmer puppet). About a half hour before the audition, she went into the room and realized she didn’t know the song title because she had only been practicing from my memory, not from the book. She called our mother and had her hunt down the CD we had at home to find the title of the selection. It took her a few moments, but finally she said, “Here it is Briana. It’s called Scene Nine, Beyond the Lake.” That’s when she realized she had not chosen a song; She had chosen a scene. When she got to my audition, she carried her props inside a plastic bag and set them in a back corner of the room. After her monologues, when the auditors asked to hear her sixteen bars, she ran to the corner and retrieved her mask and puppets. As she did this, she recalls them looking a bit worried and confused. There were a few moments of silence while she put on the mask, which was broken by them asking, “What song are you singing today?” She answered as confidently as she could, “I will be singing Scene 9. Beyond the Lake.” She sang the selection and when she finished there was a moment of silence in the room. She then decided to explain by saying, “I could only find a cop and a farmer,” in case their confusion was in regards to Raul being a police officer. There were a few more beats of silence before the Dean said, “We ask each actor to sing so that we might see a different side of them, and I suppose you have done that…” Then they thanked her and she left.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
F.A.Q Ensemble Auditions!
F.A.Q. : Ensemble Auditions
What exactly would I be auditioning for?
This is unlike most auditions in that we are not casting for a particular show. We are looking for artistic partners/collaborators/creators/co-producers, people to be a part of the Rising Sun Performance Company for the foreseeable future, invested in the well being of the company as a whole. If you are an actor looking for a resume credit or single show experience, we wish you the best, but this is probably not the place for you. On occasion, we do have opportunities for guest artists to join us for role specific opportunities- these casting notices are listed seperately and are not a part of the once a year Ensemble auditions.
What are you looking for in an artist?
It is very important that you read our Manifesto and Mission statement. These are our core values and we take them very seriously. Our company puts great emphasis on the entire creative process, recognizing that not everything needs to become a fully staged performance to have creative merit. Likewise, the believe that everyone shares the hard work to strengthen our ensemble.
We are looking for multi faceted theatre artists with a passion for group dynamics and process oriented ensemble work. Individuals looking to stretch themselves, their talents and both creative and technical theatrical skills. Hard workers who live, breath and eat theatre. We welcome artists of all backgrounds, techniques and training. We encourage our members in cross-disciplinary experimentation. Actors, dancers, singers, storytellers, Directors, Playwrights, Designers, and Technicians are all welcome to audition and/or apply for an interview.
What exactly is Rising Sun Performance Company?
A Theatrical family of varied backgrounds, training, techniques all with a shared philosophy and committment to supporting the ensemble as a whole. We value exploration, community and collaboration along with some good old fashioned elbow grease!
Rising Sun Performance Company (RSP) is one of the current theater companies in the Off-Off Broadway community with an established reputation for its talented ensemble of writers, directors and actors in a strong selection of original works balanced by revivals of offbeat published works. We are a collaborative theater group of actors, directors, designers and playwrights with shared theatrical values. We value mutual respect, hard work, & the acceptance of occasional "failure" by traditional standards in order to have freedom for creative discovery, collaboration, play and learning. Rising Sun does not aim to limit or define itself in any way. RSP focuses on the journey of present, what passions, voices, visions and talents represent the ensemble in its present form. The work chosen is representative of the given time and make up of our company. Each ensemble member is considered a part of the production team and has direct involvement at all levels of the process.
What sort of commitment is required in being an ensemble member of RSP?
As a member of the ensemble you are expected to:
Creative involvement in at least 1 creative project or production per calendar year (As Performer, director, designer, writer) Rehearsal periods can be anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months depending on the project. Rehearsals times vary. Performances can run for 1 night to 6 months. It depends entirely on the project.
Serve as collaborator/co-producer/co-creator with your fellow ensemble members which includes:
Proposals of new works, review of outside submissions and development of performance projects
Active involvement on Marketing & Promotions of all shows
Active and Continual involvement with Audience Development & Promotions
General support/involvement for production and running needs of company
Prepare for and attend monthly company meetings that will have varied agendas including business and fundraising.
Prepare for and attend scheduled company functions (e.g. benefits, conferences, Retreats, NYC Theatre events, etc.)
Serve on at least one committee as an active producer of the company
Completion of 2 Technical/Production Jobs or a Staff Position per calendar year
Share in the Financial Responsibility of the Company : Active involvement on Fundraisers, Continued Fund-raising thru the year and ticket sales (everyone must work to raise our yearly expenses of $20-30k)
Share an online presence on social networking sites and blogs
Attendance & participation to a minimum of 8 Lab Sessions Yearly
Attendance & Participation at our annual Ensemble Intensive
General support & activity at our home theatre for events, theatre maintenance & Festivals
Support/mentorship of Apprentice company members & Interns
Participation in any eligibility requirements by the New York Innovative Theatre Awards
As you can see this is alot, its a big committment that doesn't just affect you. Talk to your job, loved ones, school, parents, high maintenance plants before auditioning.
This schedule can be intense and while you'll get fulfiling roles, new skills and a theatre family, all your loved ones will get is less of you. Make sure everybody who matters knows what you’d be getting into in advance.
So does this schedule mean that I can’t perform in other productions?
It means that you will find it difficult in the first 6 months to a year of joining RSP. Many Rising Sun folks are very involved in outside projects and do find time to be active in the theatre community, films, tours, etc. We highly encourage this. As you get acclimated to how being a RSPer impacts your day-to-day, you will learn how be more efficient with the other aspects of your life and be able to plan accordingly. We believe and trust that everyone is an adult and should be/can be responsible to balance their committments and life as needed, with the understanding that the RSP ensemble remains a high priority committment. We do not recommend being in multiple theatre/ensemble companies within your first year of joining the ensemble.
What will the audition/interview be like?
You should be aware that you will be auditioning for the senior members of the company, so there will be quite a few people watching you. If you are called back you will be auditioning for/working with the entire company, so again its a large group of people that will see your work.
A huge part of our audition process, is not only talent but seeing if we're the right match for each other. Would we work well together? Can we be in the rehearsal room for up to 8 hours a day? Ask us questions, we like that! and do your homework before the audition, reading this is a step in the right direction.
Prepare: 2 to 4 minutes of material
This should include 2 contrasting monologues (1 minute each), Contemporary preferred, original writing welcome
You can also include, a short dance combination, 16 bars of any song accapella, stupid human tricks, special talents, etc
Show yourself off. We want to get to know YOU! What makes you unique?
Don't try to be what you think we want you to be! Be YOU!
Callbacks: If we feel like you would be a good fit for the Ensemble (and sometimes guest artists) we will invite you to participate in an 3-5 Hour Call back. Yes thats right 3-5 HOURS. This is a long day, but WE PROMISE ITS A LOT OF FUN!
This is your chance to see how we work, what our personalities are and a glimpse into the type of work that we do.
The callback consists of:
The first is a group introduction, to the company, the ensemble and each other
A group warm up of theatre games
A Group Movement/Basic Dance (actor friendly) segement
Ensemble Work & Improv
Cold Readings of scenes/scripts
We recommend that you wear comfortable clothes that you can move in, comfy shoes (if you have yoga or dance clothes wear those), bring some water, and some snacks, along with your calendar, a notepad and pen, and whatever else you need to get thru the day. There will be a couple of breaks thru the day for you to check your voicemail, grab a sandwich, etc.
I’m not an actor, so you don’t really want to see me, right?
Not true! We have had some amazing artists that don't come from traditional theatre backgrounds, and we also look for directors, designers, playwrights, dancers who want a creative home. So if you aren't a traditional actor, bring a portfolio of past work, sample writing, a poem, a dance, a song. Who are you? We want to know. Bring material that shows you off.
Oh No! All of your appointments are taken! What do I do?
You will be given a spot on our waiting list, and we will see those on our waiting list as time allows over the course of audition days. We try really hard to get everyone in.
When will you hold auditions again?
We assess our company’s needs every year around the same time and hold auditions usually within the first few months of the Year (January to March)
Casting notices are on our Webpage, backstage and most online casting sites. Join our mailing list and you will recieve online notifications as well.
Do I need to quit my day job if I am cast?
NO! In fact, if you aren't in a stable home/job/life situation, you might want to hold off on trying to join the company. We all do this out of love and while we are occasionally able to do profit sharing from shows we are quite simply not in a situation to pay a living wage. Don't starve for your art, we can normally work around people's "day/night job" schedules.
Would I get paid at all?
Not exactly.. We occasionally do profit sharing and tips collecting after shows.
I auditioned before and I wasn’t cast. Should I audition again?
Please DO audition for us again. There have been many ensemble members who have had to audition more than once. Sometimes timing is off, we don't have enough room for the talent and sometimes we just need to see you more than once. Give us another chance and we'll do the same for you :)
Feel free to drop us a line to ask for post audition feedback or if you have questions prior to the audition.
Wow it sounds like a lot, I don't think I can committ to all of this but want to get involved! Is there any other way to be a part of the RSP Family?
Yeah there is! We have an amazing group of technicians, designers, volunteers, ushers, interns who love us but can't give their whole life to us. We have an internship program, workshops and volunteer opportunities all year round. Drop us a line at and we'll get you involved!